Collection: Silicone Breast Plates

Silicone breast plates, also known as silicone breast forms or prosthetics, are padded inserts that are made of silicone and are designed to be worn inside a bra to add volume and shape to the breasts. They may be worn for a variety of reasons, including to enhance the appearance of the breasts, to create the appearance of a fuller bust, or to restore the appearance of the breasts after a mastectomy or other medical procedures.

Silicone breast plates are typically designed to be worn under clothing and may be worn on a daily basis or for special occasions. It is important to carefully read and follow the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer, as well as to properly care for the silicone breast plates to ensure they remain in good condition. Some people may be allergic to silicone, so it is important to check with a healthcare provider before using silicone breast plates.

12 produits